Keep Your Pets Cool on Hot Days.
Sunrise & sunset are ideal times for a walk. Walk on grass rather than hot concrete as this can burn pooch’s paw pads.
Sunrise & sunset are ideal times for a walk. Walk on grass rather than hot concrete as this can burn pooch’s paw pads.
Timely reminder that Tick Season is upon us! Last week we saw Poppy the dachshund who had landed from Queensland…
Summer is the time that we see a lot of dogs suffering from noise phobia; be they thunderstorms or fireworks
Seen media reports? Outbreak of leptospirosis in Sydney…
Poor Milo, who presented at the clinic with weakness and lethargy, only able to walk a few steps before flopping on his side 🙁
Working from home & home schooling during lockdown has meant your pets have become familiar with you being around…