August is Dental Month

August is Dental Month

DID YOU KNOW? 85% of dogs and 70% of cats over 3 years old suffer from dental problems? Dogs and cats develop plaque on their teeth

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Guinea Pig Caesarian

Guinea Pig Caesarian

Following public interest in our guinea pig ‘caesarian’ post, we decided to publish a case study of the patient for our pocket pet fans.

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Senior Health Check!

Senior Health Check!

Are you finding your senior dog is struggling to get out of bed on these chilly winter mornings? Check out our post from last week…

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Infectious Diarrhoea

Infectious Diarrhoea

Small Animal Faecal Pathogens PCR test-A long name for a highly sensitive new test available through Casey and Cranbourne Veterinary

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Hard to Swallow

Hard to Swallow

Buster, a one and a half year old Red Heeler presented to Casey and Cranbourne Veterinary Hospital a month ago, feeling very sorry

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